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English for travelling: WHAT SHOULD YOU LEARN 2 months BEFORE the TRIP

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Nowadays, to master a foreign language is not a luxury but a necessity. People can misunderstand you. Do you want to be in such an awkward situation? But what do you do if you have not been learning anything for the year and you are about to leave soon? What should you do then?


In this article, you are going to learn how you can ease your life abroad.

Find 30-40 minutes for the lessons on a daily basis. It’s a very interesting fact that people memorize information much better when they have a specific goal and a small amount of time.


We have good news for you: there’s no need to cram all the information you’re your student books from cover to cover. You don’t need to master all the grammar rules to speak abroad. 

It’s enough to know a couple of tenses to speak pretty fluently. Present and past will be okay.


Pick out a specialized course book for travelers because you don’t have time to waste on usual General English course books. There’s a good example like «Survival English» (how to survive abroad).

There’s basic grammar for travelers, thematic texts and dialogues as well as listening tasks.


You should think in advance over the topics you will need. If you know that you need to rent a car at the airport write it down in your list of relevant topics.


Perform these activities on a daily basis:

If you don’t know some word, try to express yourself in a pantomime or retell it with your words

We’ve gathered the most popular and common phrases for traveling. Learn them by heart and you’ll be fluent abroad.



I have an E-ticket – У меня электронный билет

I’d prefer a window seat/an aisle seat – Я бы хотел место у окна/у прохода

What is the boarding time – Во сколько посадка?

I lost my luggage – Я потерял свой багаж

Where’s the baggage claim? – Где находится лента получения багажа?

What time do we arrive – Во сколько мы прибываем?

Please, call the fly attendant – Пожалуйста, позовите стюардессу

Could I change seats with you? – Можно мне поменяться с вами местами?

Your passport and ticket, please – Ваш паспорт и билет, пожалуйста

I’ve come to collect my tickets – Я бы хотел забрать свой билет

I booked on the Internet – Я заказал билет по Интернету

Could I see your hand baggage, please – Пожалуйста, покажите вашу ручную кладь?

Where are you flying to? – Куда вы летите?



Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to? – Извините, не могли бы вы подсказать как добраться в…?

Is it far from here? – Это далеко отсюда?

Does this bus go to? – Этот автобус едет в…?

Take me to this address, please – Отвезите меня по этому адресу, пожалуйста

What spot is this? – Какая это остановка?

Where’s the nearest railway station – Где ближайший железнодорожный вокзал?

Where can I buy a metro ticket – Где я могу купить билет на метро?

How can I get to the subway station? – Как мне добраться до этой станции метро?



Do you know where I can get a taxi? - Вы не знаете, где можно поймать такси?

Do you have a taxi number? - У вас есть номер такси?

I’d like a taxi, please. - Я хотел бы заказать такси.

Sorry, there are none available at the moment. - Извините, сейчас свободных

такси нет.

How long will I have to wait? - Как долго мне придется ждать?

The car is on its way. - Машина в пути.



Could you recommend me some clothing shops/book shops / souvenir shops / shopping centers? – Не могли бы вы мне порекомендовать магазины одежды / книжные / сувенирные / торговые центры?

I’d like to try this sweater / T-shirt / dress on – Я бы хотел(а) примерить этот свитер / футболку /платье

Where’s the fitting room? – Где здесь примерочная?

Do you have this in smaller / larger size? – У вас есть размер меньше / больше?

I’ll take this, please – Я возьму это

How much is it? – Сколько это?

Do you accept credit / debit cards? – Вы принимаете кредитные / дебетовые карты?

Can I pay by card or in cash only? – Я могу заплатить картой или только наличными?



Help! – помогите!

I’m lost – Я потерялся

I’ve been robbed – Меня ограбили

I have a headache / stomach-ache / heart ache – У меня головная боль/боль в животе / боль в сердце

This is misunderstanding – Это недоразумение

I need to call the Embassy – Мне нужно позвонить в посольство


So let’s sum up what you have to do:

-         Learn the relevant vocabulary only (you can find it in the specialized course books)

-         Make time for daily lessons

-         Learn vocabulary on the specific topics (at the airport, in a taxi, etc.)

-         Make up your list of traveling situations in advance

-         Listen to the thematic podcasts

-         Play out the situations with your friends/teachers


It’s impossible to master English in a month, but you can prepare yourself, armed with our pieces of advice.

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