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Those who learn or learnt a foreign language are well aware that lack of speaking practice results in losing language skills. Acquiring language skills is quite different from the simple memorizing of, say, the table of multiplication, not to mention how greatly it differs from riding a bicycle - you learnt how to ride and started it immediately.


Only regular practice will enable you to improve your language and avoid forgetting it altogether.


That's why our company Skype-Language organized the English Speaking (Discussion) Club!


The Club's main objective is not only to engage all its participants in conversation and develop the listening skill, but also to achieve the maximum result in acquiring the English language.


Each session in the Club is based on a particular topic that is planned by the Club moderator and offered for discussion. The discussion is preceded by a five-minute warmer so that the participants can feel at ease.



Aiden (a native speaker) - the club's moderator:


"I enjoy teaching English. That is the reason why my lessons are always fun, productive and effective. I always try to encourage my students to overcome some inhibitions and shyness related to learning the language. I do my best to build their trust and believe my wish to help them to improve their skill. My attempts at learning about a student's origin, his or her personality and mood help to create a relaxed atmosphere in the Club. In addition, I make sure that the atmosphere is always charged with fun, enthusiasm and excitement, which is the most important component of the learning process."


The topics of the club are quite engaging and up-to-date. Not only does the discussion in English help you to practise speaking but it also gives you a large portion of "food for thought". It is necessary to create images and cause feelings connected with a topic because it is associative links that help to memorize words and phrases.


Anna Kucheva - a participant of the club:


"I cannot wait to share my impressions of the Discussion Club. I enjoy going there. The teacher Aiden selects the discussion topics which are really interesting to me. Besides, he always clearly senses when we have exhausted the topic and moves on to the next one. He is always positive and attentive at discussions. You can even hear how hard he tries to understand our terrible accent. In addition, he has clear articulation and a good command of his voice and intonation. I do not think that Aiden speaks slowly, grading his language - he speaks naturally and fluently. He can always explain an unknown word clearly and checks our understanding. Such an approach of a teacher, to my mind, is essential because learning English online has its own peculiarities: only one channel of perception is involved.




Natalia Terentiyeva (a participant of the Club since its creation)


"I think the idea of forming such a club is quite successful. It is a nice opportunity to communicate with other people, practise my English skills and just have a good time. The Discussion Club enables all the participants to communicate without being tied with only one topic. At the same time the topics given by the moderator are always interesting and up-to-date. This is an excellent chance to test yourself - which spheres I lack knowledge in, how my language skills allow new to express my ideas, and what I need to work on".


Regular classes also play a great role in language practice. Grammatical structures and vocabulary are stored in a special brain region, "the centre of a foreign language", which we use with different intervals. The more systematically we do it, the more effectively we learn.


By inviting you to our Discussion Club, we would like to save the time and effort you have spent on learning English!


Join the English Speaking Club and you are going to realize how fluently and easily you can speak and comprehend English speech.


Remember: You are always welcome to our Discussion Club!


We guarantee the effectiveness of lessons and a cozy atmosphere!


The classes are taught as an online conference on Sundays from 12.00 to 13.00 Moscow time.


To become a participant, you need:




via email:,,


via Skype: Skype-language1 (Elena, the director) or via the website filling in an application form, remember to write "English Discussion Club".






It is possible to pay 660 roubles for the first trial lesson.



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