Italian for tourists from Skype-Language
- Form of study: individual
- Level: beginner
- Methodology: communicative ?
- Intensity: 2 times per week by 60 min
- Price: from 1240 ₽ ?
- Work hours: flexible
Italian language course for tourists
If you have made up your mind to go to sunny Italy, you will definitely feel the need of the conversational Italian . Why? Mostly because the Italians prefer to speak only in their native tongue. So, the knowledge of some useful words and phrases will certainly help you communicate and feel comfortable in most situations abroad.
“Italian for tourists” is a special course organized for people going on holiday to Italy. That`s why it covers all the topics on the problematic issues which occasionally happen abroad while travelling.
This online Italian language course is designed for people who have never learnt Italian before. During short-term learning you will get the general knowledge necessary for travelling and business trips. Practicing the communication skills lies at the core of the course. It means that we will deal with some problematic situations you can come across in Italy and try to practice them in Italian. The choice of the topics to be discussed will completely depend on the student’s preferences. The course is also focused on learning conversational words and phrases. Besides, it covers the topics like “Airport”, “Taxi”, “Traffic road” , “Hotel”, “ At the shop”, “ At the restaurant”, “ At the beach” and so on..
After you have successfully completed the course, you will apply Italian communication skills in any situation at ease: at any hotel or café; when you go shopping. You will be able to explain the main problem point in any non-standard situation; understand the announcements at the airport and train station; talk about art, world situations, love and the weather. You will manage to make the questions which interest you, understand the talk with your Italian friends, read the signboards, posters, menu, etc. Briefly speaking, you will enrich your vocabulary!
Needless to say, it is much easier to be in the country and to know its language. In one word, if you want to see and feel Italy, you need to make an effort to learn how to speak, read and understand Italian before you go there.
Having got speech understanding, you will feel more confident, independent and more freely in Dante Alighieri`shomeland and, consequently, will enjoy your stay immensely!
Italy is waiting for you!
To book a trial lesson on the course “Italian for tourists”, fill in our online- request .
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