Conversational Chinese for tourists from Skype-Language
- Form of study: individual
- Level: beginner
- Methodology: communicative ?
- Intensity: 2 times per week by 60 min.
- Price: from 1260 ₽ ?
- Work hours: flexible

Chinese course for tourists
Every year a great number of tourists visit China. Among them there is a large percentage of Russian tourists as well. So, why does this country attract so many people?
China is a country with a very early civilization and a long and rich history aged over 5000 years .It has a special culture which preserved its individuality and unique identity. Not often you can find a place with such an unusual atmosphere and amazing contrasts.There are blazing sky-scrapers of megapolises neighboring with hutongs of faceless quarters. There are old mountain villages with fantastic Rice terrace views. Besides all of this, you can see wonderful parks with labyrinth made of silicic monolith and a small lake with golden fish.
Anyway, there is one “but” while you are going to China. Travelling across this land, you might face some difficulties because not all Chinese people can speak English.
If you can`t ask how to get to the hotel, if you can`t ask for the non-smoking room, if you are in an uncomfortable situation while searching the toilet...- definitely, it would be really sad if you got a bad impression of the country because of these actual everyday situations.
Now people who travel to China on holiday or a business trip can make a great use of the new language course ”Chinese for tourists”, especially designed by Skype-language company. Only the most necessary phrases are included into this program. For example: how to find out the way to some place or how to book a room in a hotel; how to ask everything about Chinese food- the dishes you have to try and some ones you should get rid of; tourist attractions in China, shopping and its price. All of this and not only you will find in our new course “Chinese for tourists”.
Despite the fact that all the necessary phrases are deliberately chosen for the course, it is also provided with the audio materials you can listen to at the end of the lesson. The most pleasant part here is that no more extra money is needed for these educational materials. Its price is already included into the price of the course.
It usually happens that while you are on the way to your language school, you can lose a lot of time. Such a waste of time must be especially inconvenient for business people. With our course you can stay at home and study Chinese online choosing the right time for this. Your spontaneous business trip will never stand in the way of your lesson. You can always ask questions and learn more useful expressions even if you are already in China. The only thing you need is to arrange your lesson time with our online Chinese teacher.
There is no need now to put up with inconveniences if you are going to China.
Using the program “Chinese for tourists” by you can easily make your trip not only fascinating but educational one as well.
Book a free trial lesson to make sure of the effectiveness of the course!
After your trip to China you can also continue studying Chinese with a more comprehensive course “Conversational Chinese” by

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