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“English for Children” is useful not only for kids but also for fathers and mothers (and maybe for grandfathers and mothers).


It normally happens that parent study English at some courses or with English tutor via Skype while a child is studying it in the English Club or school. They never do this together though there is a great possibility!


When I was 5 years old, my dad recited me the English poem explaining every word in it. After this we recited it together (there was no English in my life at that time). The greatest impression produced the fact there was a definite cat – the cat, and an indefinite cat – a cat. To be able to introduce this kind of poem to a child you should have an elementary level in English (to say more, just the beginning of this level), good pronunciation (with which your tutor will help you) and of course a little bit of an acting talent.


It’s upsetting to see how a very “careful” family is trying hard to get the “knowledge” from the kid attending a very good English Club : So, tell us how to say “a cat”? And “Table”? However, none of them has ever recited any English poem to the child and neither they have sung any English song. In any special speaking English club for children each lesson is the journey to a fairy-tale where people speak unconventional language. As soon as they get there, the words begin to appear in their minds themselves – while in real life atmosphere children just can’t concentrate on the English language.


I’m sure you’ll agree that the words from a favorite song are memorized better than simple learning from the list of words.


In case you are hesitating in this way: “I don’t know the methods of teaching, I’m not a teacher, I can make a mistake, I’m mastering the elementary level myself”. Then I can say only the following: I’m not asking you to take all the process of teaching to yourself and take the responsibility of combining a course of English by the children text book! No, I just advice you to learn one simple but interesting English poem. It’s curious that so called Nursery Rhymes are put on music and it’s easier to remember them this way. Look up new words in the dictionary (yes, such words can be in children songs as well), read or sing this poem to your teacher of English , get rid of any mistakes in pronunciation. After this find the suitable moment to recite this poem to your child. Don’t demand from a child to recite the poem! It’s possible the kid will sing the wrong words. You may mildly correct him or her and explain something. It’s more than enough if a child will just understand the poem, make fun and play puppet game related to this poem. In case a child is ready to recite, it can be wonderful to organize the family concert.


Buying the book of English poems full of bright illustrations might be a good variant, too. You’ll be able to show what the poem is about by means of the pictures. For a better success you may take a book by Marshak in English and read the familiar poems in the English version.


The texts of Nursery Rhymes can be easily found in the Internet. For example, you can use the site Nurseryrhymes , melodies — on CDs Songbirds (the tempo is very fast, more suitable for parents).


What children songs are interesting for singing together or to your child showing something with gestures?


English for Kids – smallest age (from 1, 5!):


  • Head, shoulders, knees and toes — perfect morning exercising!


Teddy bear

  • Wee Willie Winkie (a little to grow into – first sing as a lullaby, then explain all the words)

    The music for these and other lullabies you can find here:

  1. If you’re happy and you know it

    Old McDonald had a farm


    English for Older Kids
     (from 4-5):


    1. The Eensy Weensy Spider (there are several versions of the text), You may show by your hands how a little spider is climbing up and he is washed away, but as soon as the sun appears he is still climbing up the chimney).

    2. I’m a little teapot. Put one hand on one side as if it’s the handle of the teapot, by another hand show the nose of teapot and start dancing.

    3. Miss Polly had a Dolly

    4. Mary had a little lamb

    5. Humpty Dumpty (this is a familiar to everybody “Shaltai-Boltai”! Sit down, embracing your knees by hands, rounding your back – showing an egg; while the words “had a great fall” move to your back trying to return the sitting pose again).


    English for Much Older Children


    (from 6 till high school age, parents shall have Intermediate level of English):


    1. Gruffalo


    Find the text here


    By the way, the book about Gruffalo is issued in Russian, too. You may buy it and read in turns: one day in Russian, one day in English. It’ll be also important to explain why the English Gruffalo (with the sound [a] in the middle) became “Gruffalo” with the sounds [u] in Russian.


    2. Jingle, Bells (the text is easily found in Google).


    In any children poem there is useful for you, parents, vocabulary. Besides, the pronunciation and diction is trained substantially. Thus, English children poems are a super time spending for all the family!


    One advice: if your child is learning to read already (my daughter is 5 and she can read simple English sentences), don’t try to teach them the names of English letters. It’s much better to pronounce the sounds initially.


    The way you can organize it is shown here


    The rules of reading are wonderfully explained on Starfall. If you believe it’s harmful to leave a child in front of the monitor for so long, just print the pages from the site, read the stories together and colour the pictures after.


    On the following site you can find such a fantastic song about the letter С that it’s hard to keep from singing it together with your Kid.


    Good luck to you and your children with learning English ! I hope you’ll enjoy the process a lot!

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