German for beginner from Skype-Language
- Form of study: individual
- Level: beginner
- Methodology: communicative ?
- Intensity: 2 times per week by 60 min
- Price: from 1190 ₽ ?
- Work hours: flexible

German language for beginners
This course is for you if:
- you want to start speaking German as soon as possible
- you want to express your thoughts and ideas in German clearly and accurately
- you are eager to put your knowledge into practice to get language certificates, travel, and work
The absolute advantage of our course is that we work only with qualified teachers with real-life experience in terms of living and teaching in German-speaking countries. We are a close-knit team who have worked together for over 10 years. We will do our best to help you master your German and achieve your goals.
The course can last from 6 to 18 months and it covers levels A1 and A2. Each level takes about 80 learning hours (160 learning hours to complete both levels).
The course is suitable for all ages. It does not matter if it is your first time trying to learn German, or if you want to refresh and improve your skills. The schedule is designed according to your needs.
In the course, we use modern textbooks from German publishing houses: Begegnungen, Menschen, Themen Aktuell, Schritte, Lagune. Additionally, there are audio and video, and text materials from news and educational platforms, such as Deutsche Welle, Schubert, Klett-Sprachen,, .
The course syllabus covers the following vocabulary and grammar topics:
- Meeting, greeting (sich vorstellen, sich begrüssen)
- Family and relatives (Familie und Verwandte)
- Hobbies and free time (Hobby, Freizeit)
- Food and shopping (Essen und Einkaufen)
- Daily routine (Tagesordnung)
- Time (Uhrzeit)
- Home (Wohnen)
- Work and jobs (Arbeit und Beruf)
- In the city (in der Stadt)
- Location and Directions (Wegbeschreibung)
- Transport (Verkehr)
- Traveling and vacations (Reisen, Urlaub)
- Helath and illnesses (Gesundheit, Krankheiten)
- Holidays (Feiertage)
- Weather (Wetter)
- Clothes (Kleidung)
- Money (Geld)
- Personal pronouns (Personalpronomen)
- Present tense ( Präsens)
- Irregular verbs (Verben mit Vokalwechsel)
- Question sentences (Fragesätze)
- Negative sentences (Negation)
- Modal verbs (Modalverben)
- Accusative case (Akkusativ)
- Dative case (Dativ)
- Genitive case (Genitiv)
- Prepositins of place (Lokalpräpositionen)
- Prepositions of time(Temporalpräpositionen)
- Imperative (Imperativ)
- Past tenses (Perfekt,Präteritum)
- Adjectives (Adjektive)
- Conjunctions (Konjunktionen)
- Subjunctive mood (Konjunktiv 2)
Apart from purely educational topics, we watch plenty of entertaining videos, and TV shows, and listen to German songs. We believe that learning a language is not just a task but also fun!
Many people think that German is quite difficult in terms of grammar and pronunciation. However, having studied the basics, you will see that it is pretty logical, and follows certain rules which are easy to learn! We are here to help you speak correctly and express your thoughts in German.
A lot of students, especially beginners, have a fear of not being understood or not understanding other people. Taking this into account, in our lessons we allow plenty of time to work on communicative skills and practise everyday German.
After the course, you will be able to hold a conversation with your German-speaking friends on routine topics. write e-mails, read and understand easy texts, and be more independent abroad when you travel (now you can order food in restaurants, book hotels, and tickets, and go shopping). Moreover, you will be able to take language tests, like Start Deutsch А1, А2, ÖSD A1 A2 required to get a visa to German-speaking countries.

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